The most difficult thing about photography is to understand that photography is not technical. It’s about people. This you learn your whole life. We are always learning. When you know how to connect to other people, to understand… this is the way to do good documentary photography.

I’m excited about this interview with Renato dPaula. Renato is a father and documentary photographer from São Paulo, Brazil. I’ve been enjoying his work on Instagram and was so happy when he said he would do an English interview. (He's done several in Portuguese.) Recently, Renato did a year long photo project, a 365 Project, and we talk about how there’s nothing like a difficult personal project to grow as a photographer. This part of the conversation inspired me to really commit to my own daily photos that I’d been getting away from.

In the interview, Renato tells us how he came to focus on documentary family photography, how he does it, what is his favorite part of the day with families. Renato also does birth photography, which I love, and we talk about how he got into a genre that is often done by women. 

Find out more about Renato: Instagram, Website, Facebook
